Data Science3 Kaggle : Data science sample / examples for data analysis / real-world data If you want to get datasets or look up some examples for data analysis, Then Visit Kaggle! Kaggle은 실제 데이터를 분석하는 곳으로 데이터는 물론 다른사람들이 어떤 방식으로 데이터분석에 접근했는지까지 한번에 볼 수 있음 Kaggle Competitions 1) Visit Kaggle 2) Get dataset 3) Look up results of anaylsis of other people at "discussion" section Tip ! Find the most hottest competiton filter > hotness로 두면 .. 2021. 8. 8. [Python] Dictionary Dictionary 1) key- value pair 2) Using curly bracket 3) Items are ordered (as of python version 3.7) 4) keys have to be unique 키와 값을 짝지어서 저장할 때 유용하지만, 작업이 비효율적일 수 있음 1)creating a new dictionary and inserting keys values. #creating new dictionary dic=dict() # or dic={} print(dic) #creating a dictionary with only keys k=["a","b","c"] dic2 = dict.fromkeys(k) print(dic2) #insert value to a existing .. 2021. 8. 8. [Python] List List 1) Single variable containing multiple items 2) Using square brackets 3) Items are ordered, changeable, and can be duplicated. 4) Items are indexed 1) create a list #make list list=[] 2) add items #add items to list by using append list.append(1) #a item in the another list also can be added a=[1,2,3] list.append(a[1]) #list itself can be a item of another list list.append(a) print(list) #a.. 2021. 8. 8. 이전 1 다음